Pop Cult Leader

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

One Gleek's Concern

Here is my one major warning about Glee:

If it tracks the way Nip/Tuck tracked (Ryan Murphy's other breakthrough show), we only have about 1.5 seasons before it turns.

Nip/Tuck Season 1 = Genius.

Nip/Tuck Season 2 = Great

Nip/Tuck Season 3 = 1/2 Great & 1/2 Garbage

Nip/Tuck Seasons 4 - 6 = A Shatastrophe

But Nip/Tuck only had 13 episodes per season, meaning that we only have about 30 some odd episodes before Glee starts smelling (and tasting) as bad as Brittany's armpits after a 5 hour Cheerio practice.

This may not happen, but if by November Glee is regularly underperforming ... the writing is on the walls, my friends.

The Gleek Chronicles: Part 1

I was disappointed in tonight's episode. Not only were the numbers far from funk but the stories were unmotivated and (like Glee at its worst) got wrapped up quickly and not very prettily.

After Gaga Glee (which was musically, emotionally, and story-wise very satisfying), I knew we'd be let down but not down this far.

I mean, who else was icked out by Quinn and the Baby Mama Mambo? The two girls, circling bellies was just odd. Plus, Quin ain't got the pipes for that kind of song.

When I heard they were doing a funk episode, I figured Ryan Murphy had watched the title credits from How to Make it in America and was just gonna blatantly steal that song and any number from Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings.

But no, we got Marky Mark covers and lame wedding music.

I did enjoy the versions of "Loser" and "Another One Bites the Dust" (ironically, the two non-funk songs). Plus, I will admit I also downloaded Mr. Shue's version of "Tell Me Something Good" because it made my lady parts tingle.

The finale looks promising but they better step it up and bring these Season One stories to a satisfying conclusion with some amazing musical numbers or I'm gonna ... ah, who am I kidding? I'll be back next season no matter what :)

Color Me Excited

I am not a big fan of Michael Cera.

Yeah, I loved him in Arrested Development like everyone else but I have found him pretty boring in most of his roles and the casting of him in Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist almost ruined that movie (almost).

But I am so excited for Scott Pilgrim vs. the World!

Maybe it is my love of comic books or my love of Edgar Wright (yeah, him and Chris Hayes from "The Nation" and The Rachel Maddow Show are my two geek crushes), but I really wanna see this movie. And, Cera looks pretty good in it to.

Homework Assignment 1

So here's the deal: I know that a lot of people gave up on Community last fall. It did lag in the middle for a few episodes but you should all give it another shot.

Watch reruns this summer
Watch episodes on NBC.com
Just watch it

Here is the best episode of the season to wet your appetite.

Butter Cat

Here is a funny short film my friends made. Take a look at it and check back for Episodes 2-4.


Les Grossman & The Shiny Vampire